Let’s prep for
your legacy

Haydee Nava Independent Insurance Broker


Become Financially Ready

Savings & Growth

Combine the power of saving and insurance retirement planning strategies, to grow your wealth exponentially, and enjoy financial freedom.

Life Insurance

From Universal Life, Whole Life, to Term—Don't be afraid. Life Insurance doesn't have to be difficult. I can walk you through the difference between them. We can discuss how much coverage you need and how you and your loved ones can both benefit!

Other Services

Whether it’s Travel, Critical Illness Insurance, or Children’s Education Plan, I can walk you through a full line of personal insurance & registered retirement and tax-free savings accounts that may suit your needs!


Business Protection

Shield your company's growth and financial well-being in the event of business interruption or need for operational support.

Disability Insurance

Secure income protection in the event of disability, and physical limitation to work.

Final Expense Insurance

Pre-plan your final expense costs and give your family the financial support they need in their most vulnerable hour.

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Hi, I’m Haydee Nava!

I’m an Independent Insurance Broker based out of our Greatway Surrey location at 6906 King George Blvd.

I currently have a Life and Accident & Sickness license in the following jurisdiction: British Columbia and Manitoba.

  • I’m available to you 24/7.

  • I’ll keep you updated annually and bi-annually.

  • We can do your application offline or online.

  • I’m partnered with some of the Best Rated Life Insurance Companies in Canada.
    See them here.

We continue the journey no matter what it brings to us. Greatway is a way of life for us.


Being a part of Greatway has opened many doors for us. We have been able to educate more people than we could have imagined.

Since moving to Canada in 2014, I've been a full-time housewife. To keep myself busy, I started a few online businesses. In 2017, while he was still a trainee with an MGA, a close friend invited me to join him. I decided to find out what is the distinction between an RRSP and a TFSA, and what exactly is an IRP?

When my husband resigned, he had a pension from his employer that was locked in, and we had no idea what to do about it. As a result, I became curious, which is why I enrolled in Financial Career Institute to learn more about finances and financial strategies.

The classes were both enjoyable and educational. I gained a wealth of knowledge as well as new friends. I took the exam after a month of studying and passed. It was a challenge to put together a team, but we're getting there! After only 10 months of work with Greatway, I was promoted to Executive Managing Broker! Promotions in less than 10 months is a huge accomplishment for us.

GOD is really amazing!

Any questions? I look forward to hearing
from you!

I know that your time is sacred, we’ll be in touch soon! You can also visit one of our offices listed below.

We are committed to the highest standard, in terms of client confidentiality. Please be assured that I will never sell or distribute the personal information you provide.